Renovation of multiple apartments in a 1960s building.

The apartments, never modified, were originally designed according to the standards of the time, featuring a bathroom, a small kitchen, and a combined living/sleeping area. The project developed by Encotech included demolitions and renovations aimed at making the space more livable, with a complete redesign of the living areas: integrating the kitchen into the living/sleeping area provided more space, improved natural lighting, and enhanced ventilation.


Electrical and mechanical systems were completely overhauled, and new furnishings were supplied.

For this project, we provided these services:

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How we can assist you

Our services
to realize your properties

We are here to support you in monitoring times, costs, and resources, preparing documentation and practices, suggesting design technical solutions, and even representing you as a client to the company.

How we can assist you

Our additional technical consultations

Our additional technical consultations allow us to support you in a complete and efficient way in the management of your property, assisting in the preliminary evaluation phase of the investment, participating in tenders, executing specialized technical expertise, and providing technical support in legal disputes.
