Our additional technical consultations allow us to support you in a complete and efficient way in the management of your property, assisting in the preliminary evaluation phase of the investment, participating in tenders, executing specialized technical expertise, and providing technical support in legal disputes.

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Real Estate Analysis and Investment Valuations

Real Estate Analysis and Investment Valuations

We are able to support the evaluation of a real estate investment through the use of the most modern valuation systems and market research, perfect knowledge of the territory, a team with multidisciplinary skills, and extensive experience in the construction field.

How can we help evaluate your investment?

  • Preparation of licensable preliminary projects, reliable from a regulatory point of view
  • Preparation of budgets verifiable from a technical, economic, and regulatory point of view
  • Writing complete reports with specific technical considerations
Technical consultations and expertise

Technical consultations and expertise

Our team can support you in formulating specific technical consultations and preparing expert reports in the field of design and construction, usable in any context from condominium to banking or legal.

What consultations and expertise can we provide?

  • Feasibility study of systems
  • Consultation for preliminary, final, and executive design of systems
  • Analysis and drafting of specifications for system implementation
  • Cost evaluation and cost analysis for implementation
  • Energy diagnostics and consumption analysis
  • Waterproofing of premises, hydraulic structures, facades, joints, pools, walls
  • Identification of leaks and escapes
  • Climate acoustic evaluation
  • Soundproofing (aircraft noise, footsteps, systems)
  • Sound absorption
  • Analysis of acoustic bridges
Assessment and resolution of damages and defects

Assessment and resolution of damages and defects

We act as a technical consultant in evaluating pre-existing situations characterized by problems or defects. We have reliable equipment and partners to monitor and understand the scenario and propose appropriate technical solutions that solve the problem permanently.

What damages and defects do we evaluate?

  • Defects, faults, non-conformities
  • Technical solution consultations
  • Analysis of contracts and specifications
  • Quantification of lesser value
  • Calculation of restoration costs
Consulting to companies in the context of tenders

Consulting to companies in the context of tenders

Our experience is offered in support of internal tender offices of small, medium, and large companies in the evaluation of complex and articulated tenders. Our highly qualified staff is capable of organizing, managing, and quoting extensive and articulated projects, supporting companies during the tender phase.

How can we support you in a tender?

  • Collection of supplier offers
  • Cost estimation
  • Drafting of tender documents in support of the offer (organigrams, construction system studies, etc.)
Due diligence

Due diligence

Prior to the acquisition phase of a property, we offer a technical and project Due Diligence service by evaluating the quality and condition of the building, both from a structural and systems point of view.

How do we perform our Due Diligence?

  • Inspections on site
  • Accurate surveys to verify the consistency of the property’s documentation
  • Cost and time estimates necessary for the adaptation of the building
  • Identification of potential risks related to the property in order to manage them through an appropriate drafting of the contract and related warranty clauses
Legal disputes

Legal disputes

In the field of construction, it is possible to incur legal disputes arising from extension requests or modifications to execution times or requests for recognition of additional sums. In these cases, we follow our clients by analyzing contracts, quantifying economic values, preparing in-depth reports, and communicating them to the counterpart in order to resolve the dispute in a short time.

What consultations and expertise can we provide?

  • Research of informative sources
  • Research of documentary evidence
  • Assessment of economic damages
  • Research of causal connections
  • Proposals for resolution methods