Our team can support you in formulating specific technical consultations and preparing expert reports in the field of design and construction, usable in any context from condominium to banking or legal.

What consultations and expertise can we provide?

Our team can support you in formulating specific technical consultations and preparing expert reports in the field of design and construction, usable in any context from condominium to banking or legal.

  • Feasibility study of systems
  • Consultation for preliminary, final, and executive design of systems
  • Analysis and drafting of specifications for system implementation
  • Cost evaluation and cost analysis for implementation
  • Energy diagnostics and consumption analysis
  • Waterproofing of premises, hydraulic structures, facades, joints, pools, walls
  • Identification of leaks and escapes
  • Climate acoustic evaluation
  • Soundproofing (aircraft noise, footsteps, systems)
  • Sound absorption
  • Analysis of acoustic bridges